Welcome to ACBL Unit 112
Club Results
Live For Clubs Common Game
Canandaigua Th. Canandaigua
Elmira Fri. Elmira
Elmira Wed. Elmira
Geneseo Mon. None
Ithaca Th. Ithaca
Rochester Tue./Fri. Rochester
Rochester Sat. Rochester
Mohawk Valley  Th. Mohawk Valley
Vestal Fri. Vestal

Welcome to Unit 112

This has been a challenging time for bridge. Many of us have learned to play online. But we look forward to seeing our partners and opponents as our clubs are returning to face to face bridge. Many clubs will be offering both virtual games and in person events. Some of us will play in both. Whichever your preference, enjoy the game. 

Betty Youmans, Unit 112 President 

Sectional Free Plays

Did you receive a Free  Play certificate for advancing in rank? In the past, these were dated, and were required to be used within the following year. Your Board has decided not to place dates on them from now on, and also to honor those which would have expired because of this year's inactivity. So - if you have a Free Play that looks expired, don't toss it - it will be honored when we get back to having actual sectionals.